Wednesday, January 11, 2012


Who we are each moment of our lives has an impact on the whole. What we allow to enter and be entertained in our minds makes a difference in the long term. One person said it like this:

Watch your thoughts, 
for they become words.
Watch your words, 
for they become actions.
Watch your actions, 
for they become habits.
Watch your habits, 
for they become character.
Watch your character, 
for it becomes your destiny.
                       - Anonymous

Sometimes we forget that simple progression. We entertain thoughts that are unsavory and our words become coarse, our actions become unthinking and unfeeling. We begin to live as though that is the way life is supposed to be and all of that adds up to be US!

But the opposite is true as well. When we are able to concentrate and visualize good things, our life changes for the better. We become better people and others respond to us in a more positive way and life simply goes in directions that are more desirable.

So today keep good thoughts in your mind all day long and see what comes out of your mouth, what actions you naturally take... and see where it gets you.

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