We seem to have lost the fundamental idea of America – freedom to express oneself – freedom to be different – freedom to love one another even when we disagree. But it’s not too late. YOU and I can brighten the little corner of our own world. We can be the ones who refuse to hate anyone for differing political or religious or lifestyle choices. We can be the ones who refuse to listen to fear mongers and allow their barbed tentacles to destroy our security. We can be the ones to love one another, no matter their race, creed, or social status. We can be the ones to be the salt and light in our world.
(If you are a reader from a different nation, simply substitute my words, “America” with your own country’s name. Fear and hatred are not just American industries. The wealth has spread throughout the world. May the peace in you infect wherever you call home.)
I thought Wisconsin was cheese, but I guess I can see it with Old Milwaukee, etc.
Thanks for the perspective. There definitely is too much fear and too much hate. I hate it.
Well, yes, I suppose it is. Technically is is known as the "Dairy State," so milk is probably even more of an industry than cheese. When we lived there there seemed to be a confusion if milk or beer was THE thing Wisconsin is known for.
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